Secret Code: SHELTERBONUS1258

Redner’s is committed to the communities that it is a part of, and wants to help out the non-profit organizations whose members shop in our stores. In this interest, Redner’s developed the 1% Save-A-Tape program. Forgotten Felines and Fidos, Inc. is a proud member of this program.
So on your next shopping trip PLEASE stop by the customer service desk & get your Save- A -Tape Card and start saving lives.Receipts may be dropped off at the shelter or mail your receipts to:
Att: Redners Save a tape
6855 Hickory Rd.
Macungie, Pa 18062
Forgotten Felines & Fidos
Save a Tape Program
P.O. Box 62
Germansville, PA 18053
For more information email:
For every new customer purchase through this site, Chewy will donate $20 to Forgotten Felines and Fidos, Inc.